Life-affirming ministries in North Carolina often need help to stay abreast of new trends in the nonprofit pregnancy care arena. Lifelink exists to engage and train pro-life leaders to implement best practices. We offer the following training and consulting opportunities:

  • Pregnancy Care Organizations
    We assist pregnancy care organizations in improving their quality of service. All life-affirming organizations must present themselves with integrity and professionalism. We consult and train your staff and board. Plus, we can recommend best-practice steps to move your organization forward.
  • Annual Statewide Conference
    Each fall, Lifelink holds a conference to bring North Carolina pro-life organizations together. Through our presentations, break-out sessions, and interaction, your organization can gain the knowledge it needs to be revitalized.
  • Regional Training and Networking
    In addition to our statewide conference, we hold smaller events in various counties. Our regional one-day training sessions are perfect for meeting and networking with other pro-life organizations in your area.
  • Onsite Consultations and Training
    Do you feel your staff and board could use additional training? We are available to come to your organization to equip, encourage, and train. Let us know what you need.
  • Grant Negotiation
    We assist all non-profit pro-life organizations in negotiating state and federal grants. These grants provide the necessary funds to serve women, men, children, and families in your area. Some North Carolina grants are for more than marketing. Contact us to see what’s available for you.



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